Comparison of 24-105L IS with kit lens 18-55mm IS II

Categories: Photography
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Published on: October 2, 2012

Recently, I pulled the trigger and upgraded from my kit lens 18-55mm IS II to 24-105mm L lens. Here is some initial comparison in semi-controlled environment. In all of these pics, the kit lens under exposed the pics compared to 24-105mm. Already a good start..

A more thorough comparison can be found here at the digital picture.

[Iso chart comparison @digital picture]

[distortion chart comparison @digital picture]

PressPausePlay: great documentary on digital revolution and creative industries

Categories: Articles, Photography, Talks
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Published on: January 24, 2012

Joel Meyerowitz: A documentary about Street Photography, 1981

Categories: Photography, Talks
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Published on: November 28, 2011

Understanding color modes in your DSLR camera

Categories: Photography
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Published on: October 5, 2011

the sm color tutorial // part one color in camera from stillmotion on Vimeo.


How to paint with light

Categories: Photography
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Published on: July 28, 2011

An excellent tutorial from Phototuts+ about how to use various light sources to paint a landscape with light in photography. The article gives tips about various light sources to use (flash, gels, torch…etc) and also about color temperatures.

More info here: [The Link]

My own attempt at light painting using a flashlight/torch, candle and a laser pointer.



How Leica Lenses are made

Categories: Gadgets, Photography
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Published on: July 12, 2011

Leica Lenses (English) from leica camera on Vimeo.

Why you should take photos in RAW

Categories: Photography
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Published on: July 12, 2011


via Why you should take photos in RAW.


You can say a lot about whether you should be shooting in JPG or TIFF or RAW, but ultimately, for most photographers, the argument is very simple indeed:


The last kodachrome film roll, by Steve McCurry

Categories: Photography
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Published on: June 24, 2011

Film rolls are now gone into pages of history of photography. Photographer Steve McCurry was given the last production film roll and he took some iconic photographs to mark the end of film rolls.

This is the last image that he took from this roll.

A statue in a cemetery in Parsons, home to the last photographic lab in the world that developed Kodachrome film, July 2010. [image source: Steve’s Blog]


Read more about this in his blog here: [Steve’s Blog]

View all the images from that roll @vanityfair mag: [Slide Show]

Image Stabilization of a canon 18-55mm lens

Categories: Gadgets, Photography
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Published on: June 18, 2011

Image Stabilization Revealed from Camera Technica on Vimeo.

A photograph, is it true or false?

Categories: Articles, Photography
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Published on: June 16, 2011

A very interesting essay by Errol Morris about the truth/false-hood of a photography. Very eloquently summarized by him…


Image from NYtimes

The idea that photographs hand us an objective piece of reality, that they by themselves provide us with the truth, is an idea that has been with us since the beginnings of photography. But photographs are neither true nor false in and of themselves. They are only true or false with respect to statements that we make about them or the questions that we might ask of them.

The photograph doesn’t give me answers. A lot of additional investigation could provide those answers, but who has time for that?

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but there are two words that you can never apply to them: “true” and “false.”


What is the above photograph? To find out hit the source link below.

More of this essay from here: [The Link]

Also, interesting is his upcoming book: [Believing is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography]

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