What Is a Good Life? by Ronald Dworkin [nybooks]

Categories: Articles
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Published on: January 31, 2011

A very interesting article discussing about what is a good life? morality, ethics and happiness…An interesting excerpt from the article.

…”We might think, if we value daring very highly as a virtue, that even in retrospect he made the right choice. It didn’t work out, and his life was worse than if he had never tried. But he was right, all things ethically considered, to try. This is, I agree, an outré example: starving geniuses make good philosophical copy, but they are not thick on the ground. We can replicate the example in a hundred more commonplace ways, however—entrepreneurs pursuing risky but dramatic inventions, for instance, or skiers pressing the envelope of danger. But whether we are ourselves drawn to think that living well sometimes means choosing what is likely to be a worse life, we must recognize the possibility that it does. Living well is not the same as maximizing the chance of producing the best possible life. The complexity of ethics matches the complexity of morality.”

More of this here: [The Link]

Neil Pasricha: The 3 A’s of awesome

Categories: Talks
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 7, 2011

Great talk about the 3As. From the author of “Book of Awesome”, also blogger of the website: www.1000awesomethings.com

  • Attitude
  • Awareness
  • Authenticity

[2011] Happy New Year & Best Wishes to All

Categories: Photography
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Published on: January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Photography Tutorial: Exposure

Categories: Blogs
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 3, 2011

An excellent 7-part series on exposure in photography..

Perfect Exposure – Part 1 of 7 from Joe Bloggs on Vimeo.

Photography Tutorial: Composition

Categories: Blogs
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Published on: January 3, 2011

An 8 part series on composition in photography. Excellent video Below.
Here is the summary.

  • part1: Composition
    • “It the arrangement of the parts of a work, so as to form a unified harmonious whole”
    • “It is the artists way of directing the viewers vision in a planned de-randomized fashion”
  • part2: Distractions and Attractions
    • Bright areas, high contrast, color contrast, area of sharpness (eyes for animals/people), colors in monochromatic space
  • part3: Elements of Composition
    • Lines, textures, contrast, movement, positive and negative space
  • part4: Subject Placement
    • Golden mean, rule of thirds/horizontal lines, proper balance (weight), framing, (as)symmetry
  • part5: Different lenses
    • UWA, Normal, Telephoto: Foreground (uwa) or Background (tele) emphasis
  • part6: DoF, Shutter Speed, Movement
  • part7: Positioning and Camera Location: Move your feet/tripod/camera
  • part8: General tips/hints
    • For portraits: Keep eyes sharp, use less distracting background, keep face out of center of the frame, dont be afraid to crop the top of head, beware of cropping at joints
    • For general photography: Wait for the right moment, shoot both horizontal and vertical, keep eye out for tight mergers (intersections), run border patrol, know power of lines in photos, use depth of field button
  • Most importantly, learn these rules and break them! Composition is a life long practice…

Perfect Photography Composition – Part 1 of 8 from Joe Bloggs on Vimeo.

[TED] Using Our Practical Wisdom

Categories: Talks
Comments: No Comments
Published on: January 1, 2011

Author Barry Schwartz of the new book, Practical Wisdom (together with Ken Sharpe), gives an inspiring talk about practical wisdom and how rules and incentives sometimes hinder wisdom….

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