Patent trolling: current state of patent system

Categories: Articles, SciTech
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Published on: July 29, 2011

An interesting piece of story from NPR about current state of affairs in the patent world – patent trolling. Something from the article that brings out the essence of the issue in the buzz created by various tech companies suing one another.

“…All the big tech companies have started amassing troves of software patents — not to build anything, but to defend themselves. If a company’s patent horde is big enough, it can essentially say to the world, “If you try to sue me with your patents, I’ll sue you with mine.”

It’s mutually assured destruction. But instead of arsenals of nuclear weapons, it’s arsenals of patents….”


More of the article here: [The Link]

Audio podcast from [Audio Podcast]

How to paint with light

Categories: Photography
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Published on: July 28, 2011

An excellent tutorial from Phototuts+ about how to use various light sources to paint a landscape with light in photography. The article gives tips about various light sources to use (flash, gels, torch…etc) and also about color temperatures.

More info here: [The Link]

My own attempt at light painting using a flashlight/torch, candle and a laser pointer.



How Leica Lenses are made

Categories: Gadgets, Photography
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Published on: July 12, 2011

Leica Lenses (English) from leica camera on Vimeo.

Why you should take photos in RAW

Categories: Photography
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Published on: July 12, 2011


via Why you should take photos in RAW.


You can say a lot about whether you should be shooting in JPG or TIFF or RAW, but ultimately, for most photographers, the argument is very simple indeed:


A Surveillant Society

Categories: Articles
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Published on: July 4, 2011


With most people carrying some kind of camera that can capture video (mobile phones, compact cameras…etc) are we going towards a surveillant society? An interesting article from TechCrunch on this issue. When taken to its logical conclusion… the article summarizes as follows:


“It’s not an idea that’s easy to get used to, but neither was the idea of widespread instantaneous photography in the late 19th century. The fact is it’s happening, and to pretend otherwise only retards progress. In 10 years, the idea that you’re not being recorded at all times when outside your home (in any populated area, anyway) will be as quaint as the idea now that you can maintain any kind of meaningful anonymity while availing yourself of modern banking, social internet, and mobile phones. A world where fear of persecution, accident, and injustice are unfounded is a fine dream, but that’s not the world we live in, nor the world we’re approaching. Our society will be a surveillant society; it’s up to us to make that a virtue, and not just another fear.”

Hmm.. I am not sure I can warm up to such a scenario.


More of the article here: [The Link]

Next generation interface, Minorty Report style from Oblong

Categories: Gadgets, SciTech
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Published on: July 4, 2011

Here is a cool piece of technology from Oblong for the way we work and collaborate. The interface is gesture based. Perhaps this is in a good direction to start working away from typical cubical styles. Not sure if this can work for all types of jobs (e.g. development work), but still I can imagine a lot of work places being like this in the future. Here is a demo of Oblong’s interfacing.



g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

More of the coverage of the tech from Techcrunch: [The link]

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